Monday, June 29, 2009

Dealing with the summer heat

Its official - summer is here. Now we just have to deal with the heat. Here are some suggestions.

Put space blankets over patio doors and windows. They reflect up to 90% of body heat and do a pretty good job of reflecting sun light. My wife and I have them over the utility room window that is on the west side of the house and over the patio doors - nobody uses the patio doors anyway.

Keep hydrated - when working outside, drink lots of water.

Keep your head and neck covered. Areas where blood vessels are close to the skin can collect heat. Cover these areas and keep them out of sunlight.

Sun sun block - to keep from getting sun burned.

Stay inside between 12 noon and 3pm - this is the hottest part of the day.

Wear clothing that wicks moisture away from the skin an encourages evaporation.

Need an eye out for the first signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Take action at the first signs and get the core body temperature down to normal levels.

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