Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Someone has to pay the bill

When tax dollars are used to benefit a few select people, or a few select companies, the republic ceases to function.

A republic by its very nature, is supposed to work for the good of all of its citizens, not just a certain few. With the bail out of wall street, the bail out of the auto makers, and every company in between, every day citizens have been turned into servants. We are now enslaved to the federal reserve system - which is a privately owned company. So we are now in effect, enslaved to a company with no face.

We are not employee who can just quit and walk away. We are slaves, who must work and pay our taxes the the internal revenue service. The taxes are payment for being an involuntary servant. If you do not work and make your payments, your thrown in prison.

So the question is, how and why have we allowed this to happen? Its quit simple, really. This is what happens when you have an uneducated voting populace. We have voted ourselves into slavery.

There is one solution - abolish the federal reserve and remove the two major parties from office. Both of these have to be done in order to restore law and order that protects the people, and not just a few select few.

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