Just when you get your garden in the ground, a late spring frost comes through and kills all your plants. Its pretty disheartening to see fresh sprouts killed off. Its on of those "oh man" moments.
Save a few 2 liter bottles and 1 gallon milk jugs with the bottom cut out. Keep the jugs stored in a box of some kind out in the shed. When a frost comes through, take the jugs and put them over the plant the night before.
A year ago I remember hearing someone talk about leaving the caps on or taking them off the jugs. But I can not remember which one was best. Taking the caps off will let the plant breath. But could also let cold air into the jug.
Besides the jugs, have a few light duty plastic tarps or old sheets on hand. But, try not to let the plastic of cloth of the sheet touch the plant.
If the plants get a frost on them, wash them off with a water hose. I heard that it was better to wash the frost off, then to let it thaw. That when the frost thaws on its own, that is when the frost bite occurs on the plant.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Spring is almost here
Well, for the southern states it is. It looks like some of the northern states are still in winter. Some areas are still receiving snow along with freezing temps. This means the people that live in the south can start planting their gardens. While some areas of the north is going to have to wait.
As the warm weather arrives, its time to take the family to a park or lake. Go fishing, swimming and spend some quality time together.
As the warm weather arrives, its time to take the family to a park or lake. Go fishing, swimming and spend some quality time together.
family time,
spring is here
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Solar powered sidewalk lights
Take the time to invest into some solar powered sidewalk lights. And do not get the cheapest ones either. Those solar powered sidewalk lights use a solar cell to recharge 2 AA batteries. The lights them selves and the batteries can be used for a wide range of services.
After a disaster, and the power is off, bring the sidewalk lights into the house and set them up in the bathrooms - in front of the mirror. This will light the bathrooms up at night. Plus, the lights are safer then candles or kerosene lanterns. The next morning, place the lights in full sunlight where they can recharge. When the sun starts to go down, bring the lights back inside.
The AA batteries can be used in flashlights and radios. So have a couple of lights just for recharging the batteries during the day. In the evening, take the batteries out of the lights so they do not discharge.
If you have a cell phone, look for a portable charger that uses AA batteries. The solar cells charge the AA batteries, then they can be used to charge a cell phone.
Be sure to get the lights that have a high rating. Meaning, read the side of the box and see which ones will recharge the batteries the best.
The sidewalk lights are a dual purpose item - they provide light and recharge batteries. The batteries in turn can then be used for other purposes.
After a disaster, and the power is off, bring the sidewalk lights into the house and set them up in the bathrooms - in front of the mirror. This will light the bathrooms up at night. Plus, the lights are safer then candles or kerosene lanterns. The next morning, place the lights in full sunlight where they can recharge. When the sun starts to go down, bring the lights back inside.
The AA batteries can be used in flashlights and radios. So have a couple of lights just for recharging the batteries during the day. In the evening, take the batteries out of the lights so they do not discharge.
If you have a cell phone, look for a portable charger that uses AA batteries. The solar cells charge the AA batteries, then they can be used to charge a cell phone.
Be sure to get the lights that have a high rating. Meaning, read the side of the box and see which ones will recharge the batteries the best.
The sidewalk lights are a dual purpose item - they provide light and recharge batteries. The batteries in turn can then be used for other purposes.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Planted some peppers
The peppers went in the ground this evening. The grand total was:
4 Bell peppers
4 Jalapeno peppers (mild)
Last year, there were tomatoes and cucumbers planted in this raised bed. So I am hoping that the peppers do well.
The plants were planted a little close together, but oh well. It will have to do.

I will post an update in the next couple of weeks. Over the next few days I am hoping to get the peas, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers planted.
4 Bell peppers
4 Jalapeno peppers (mild)
Last year, there were tomatoes and cucumbers planted in this raised bed. So I am hoping that the peppers do well.
The plants were planted a little close together, but oh well. It will have to do.

I will post an update in the next couple of weeks. Over the next few days I am hoping to get the peas, beans, tomatoes and cucumbers planted.
bell peppers,
home garden. spring,
jalapeno peppers
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Fema Camps
It seems that there is a lot of misinformation going around about what FEMA really does.
After Bridge City Texas was flooded by Hurricane Ike, fema brought in hundreds of temporary homes, and set them up in front of peoples houses. Open fields were turned into these so called "FEMA camps". PEople in Bridge City had nowhere to go. Our of several thousand homes, only about 12 had not been flooded.
Some of the houses had gotten 4, 5 and even 9 feed of saltwater mixed with marsh mud in them.
Here are some pictures of FEMA trailers in Bridge City, Texas. Just a couple of months before those pictures were taken, the roads were under 4 - 6 feet of water.

FEMA was setup to help people, not throw them in some type of FEMA camp prison.
To discuss this post, visit the FEMA camp discussion thread of the Survivalist Forum.
After Bridge City Texas was flooded by Hurricane Ike, fema brought in hundreds of temporary homes, and set them up in front of peoples houses. Open fields were turned into these so called "FEMA camps". PEople in Bridge City had nowhere to go. Our of several thousand homes, only about 12 had not been flooded.
Some of the houses had gotten 4, 5 and even 9 feed of saltwater mixed with marsh mud in them.
Here are some pictures of FEMA trailers in Bridge City, Texas. Just a couple of months before those pictures were taken, the roads were under 4 - 6 feet of water.

FEMA was setup to help people, not throw them in some type of FEMA camp prison.
To discuss this post, visit the FEMA camp discussion thread of the Survivalist Forum.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Food prices for 2009
While looking at the prices of fertilizer, I noticed something. Even though the price of fuel may have gone down, the price of fertilizer is still high. I wonder if that is because the fertilizer that is being sold this spring was made last year? That means that the fertilizer was made when the price of fuel was still sky high.
Regardless of what fuel cost "right now", merchants have to recover the cost of making a product. And in this case, its fertilizer. Because the fertilizer is still expensive, that means that the high price of the fertilizer will be passed down to the consumer. In an already strapped economy, this is not going to help.
While looking over the Lowes website, a 40 pound bag of nitrogen fertilzier was 11.97 - more then twice what it was 2 - 3 years ago. The current prices that I am seeing on 13-13-13 is $12 and $13 for a 40 pound bag. That is twice what it cost 2 - 3 years ago.
We may not see a break in food prices until fall of 2009 or spring of 2010. And by that time the price of fuel will have gone back up. Meaning that expensive food is here to stay.
There is one group of people that high food prices hits the hardest, and that is the poor. The poor have less money to put into expensive food. Unlike the rich that have extra cash, and the flux in food prices will barley be noticed.
On a personal note - I recommend that everyone plant some kind of home garden.
Regardless of what fuel cost "right now", merchants have to recover the cost of making a product. And in this case, its fertilizer. Because the fertilizer is still expensive, that means that the high price of the fertilizer will be passed down to the consumer. In an already strapped economy, this is not going to help.
While looking over the Lowes website, a 40 pound bag of nitrogen fertilzier was 11.97 - more then twice what it was 2 - 3 years ago. The current prices that I am seeing on 13-13-13 is $12 and $13 for a 40 pound bag. That is twice what it cost 2 - 3 years ago.
We may not see a break in food prices until fall of 2009 or spring of 2010. And by that time the price of fuel will have gone back up. Meaning that expensive food is here to stay.
There is one group of people that high food prices hits the hardest, and that is the poor. The poor have less money to put into expensive food. Unlike the rich that have extra cash, and the flux in food prices will barley be noticed.
On a personal note - I recommend that everyone plant some kind of home garden.
cost of food,
feeding the poor,
food prices,
home garden,
saving money
Jalapeno peppers
Jalapeno peppers are one of the easiest peppers and spices to grow. Just work up the soil, add a little 13-13-13 commercial fertilizer, or some organic fertilizer, such as mulch or manure and plant.
The peppers can be grown from either seeds or bought as sprouts from a local store. As long as the peppers are picked from the plant, it will continue to produce. If the plant slows down production, make sure its getting plenty of water and add a little more fertilizer.
Jalapeno peppers require a steady supply of water. If the plant is allowed to wilt, its growth might be stunted. So never let the plant wilt from lack of water. The plants seem to be pretty disease and pest resistant. Except for the tomato worm - it will crawl up onto the plant and eat the leaves. If you find a horned tomato worm, there are probably more then one. So inspect your plants very good.
After several handfuls of peppers have been picked, they can be saved by putting them into a water and vinegar solution.
To save the seeds for planting next year, allow some of the peppers to turn red and dry up while still on the vine. I usually let the last few peppers of the season stay on the plant, and then harvest the seeds from those peppers after they have dried. Those seeds can then be replanted the following spring.
The peppers can be grown from either seeds or bought as sprouts from a local store. As long as the peppers are picked from the plant, it will continue to produce. If the plant slows down production, make sure its getting plenty of water and add a little more fertilizer.
Jalapeno peppers require a steady supply of water. If the plant is allowed to wilt, its growth might be stunted. So never let the plant wilt from lack of water. The plants seem to be pretty disease and pest resistant. Except for the tomato worm - it will crawl up onto the plant and eat the leaves. If you find a horned tomato worm, there are probably more then one. So inspect your plants very good.
After several handfuls of peppers have been picked, they can be saved by putting them into a water and vinegar solution.
To save the seeds for planting next year, allow some of the peppers to turn red and dry up while still on the vine. I usually let the last few peppers of the season stay on the plant, and then harvest the seeds from those peppers after they have dried. Those seeds can then be replanted the following spring.
home garden,
horned tomato worm,
jalapeno peppers,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Neoprene gloves
Neoprene gloves are my preferred type of glove. The draw back, these gloves are only good down to about 30 degress. Below 30 degrees I have an insulated insert.
Survivalist seed stocks
Its time to stock on your seeds. Spring is here and a lot of the big retail chain stores are getting their seeds in. If the big outlet stores are not your thing, then check with the local mom and pop feed and fertilizer stores.
Personally, I like buying my seeds by the pound, instead of the 1 or 2 ounce packages. The price seems better when buying in bulk, instead of the little single packages. But I still buy some of the little packages, especially when I see them on sale for a reduced price.
survivalist seed stocks
Some of the seeds that survivalist should stock on are snap beans, radishes, cucumbers, turnips, squash and zucchini.
Radishes are an excellent choice for a survival garden. Radishes usually mature 30 days after planting (with good rain fall) - this makes them a quick crop. The seeds can be planted close together, and thinned out. The radish sprouts that are pulled up to thin out the row, can be added to a salad.
All survivalist should have a ready supply of radish seed on hand. In the event of a disaster, plant your radishes and within 30 days your family should have fresh greens. If you plant radishes every 2 weeks, your family could have a steady supply of greens for a long time.
The entire radish plant is edible, so nothing goes to waste.
Personally, I like buying my seeds by the pound, instead of the 1 or 2 ounce packages. The price seems better when buying in bulk, instead of the little single packages. But I still buy some of the little packages, especially when I see them on sale for a reduced price.
survivalist seed stocks
Some of the seeds that survivalist should stock on are snap beans, radishes, cucumbers, turnips, squash and zucchini.
Radishes are an excellent choice for a survival garden. Radishes usually mature 30 days after planting (with good rain fall) - this makes them a quick crop. The seeds can be planted close together, and thinned out. The radish sprouts that are pulled up to thin out the row, can be added to a salad.
All survivalist should have a ready supply of radish seed on hand. In the event of a disaster, plant your radishes and within 30 days your family should have fresh greens. If you plant radishes every 2 weeks, your family could have a steady supply of greens for a long time.
The entire radish plant is edible, so nothing goes to waste.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The birds are back
One of the main signs of spring that I look for, is the birds. This morning when I walked outside, the trees were full of singing birds. This means is just about time to plant the home garden.
I usually start my garden on the weekend of the Ides of March, and plant from that weekend all the way into April. But a strong cold front that brought lots of rain with it stopped me from planting on my regular weekend.
The ground is also very cold, maybe too cold for the seeds to sprout. So the garden might have to wait another week.
But either way, its almost time to get those gardens planted.
I usually start my garden on the weekend of the Ides of March, and plant from that weekend all the way into April. But a strong cold front that brought lots of rain with it stopped me from planting on my regular weekend.
The ground is also very cold, maybe too cold for the seeds to sprout. So the garden might have to wait another week.
But either way, its almost time to get those gardens planted.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dont steal from the rich
Society has 2 sets of standards - one for the rich and another for everyday people.
The rich can work their employees and only have to pay slave wages. Slave wages is defined as a substance lifestyle. Where the wage is barely enough to pay basic bills and buy food. While the rich reap the rewards of having modern day slaves. There is no punishment for this - and its socially accepted.
The middle class and poor are expected to work for what the master gives them. They are also expected to keep their mouth shut and be happy with the bread crumbs they receive.
A prime example is Bernard Madoff - who had to wear a bullet proof vest to court. The bullet proof vest is a good example of how much some rich people lust for money. If you steal from them, you are likely to disappear, or go to jail.
But, a doctor in Beaumont Texas can have improper relations with a child (several children) and he only gets probation. And, the doctor does not even have to register as a sex offender.
Jeffery Klem
Here are two criminals that have harmed innocent people. One stole money and is going to jail for a long time. The other person harmed several children - all that person got was probation.
There is no justice in this.
The rich can work their employees and only have to pay slave wages. Slave wages is defined as a substance lifestyle. Where the wage is barely enough to pay basic bills and buy food. While the rich reap the rewards of having modern day slaves. There is no punishment for this - and its socially accepted.
The middle class and poor are expected to work for what the master gives them. They are also expected to keep their mouth shut and be happy with the bread crumbs they receive.
A prime example is Bernard Madoff - who had to wear a bullet proof vest to court. The bullet proof vest is a good example of how much some rich people lust for money. If you steal from them, you are likely to disappear, or go to jail.
But, a doctor in Beaumont Texas can have improper relations with a child (several children) and he only gets probation. And, the doctor does not even have to register as a sex offender.
Jeffery Klem
Here are two criminals that have harmed innocent people. One stole money and is going to jail for a long time. The other person harmed several children - all that person got was probation.
There is no justice in this.
Bernard Madoff,
Jeffery Klem,
rich get richer
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The blame game
An email that the Republican National Committee sent out has an interesting statement in it.
No matter what flowery rhetoric Barack Obama uses to defend his massive tax-and-spend policies, one thing is clear: Everybody in America will pay their share of the enormous price. (Jonah Goldberg, "Waiting Game," NationalReview.com, 3/6/2009)
The president can not raise or lower taxes. All tax laws HAVE to be introduced in the House of Representatives. The founding fathers made it this way so that the people can not be taxed without representation, also know as - no taxation without representation.
Since the president is not elected by the people, he can not change the tax laws.
But, for some reason the Republican National Committee wants the people to believe that president can raise and lower taxes with the stroke of a pen.
The people that are responsible for raising and lowering our taxes are our representatives and senators. Those people are the ones that introduce and vote on the bills before they ever land on the presidents desk.
This all goes back to an uneducated voting populace. If the people want real change, the two major parties HAVE to be removed from power. The only way to do that is to vote third party.
No matter what flowery rhetoric Barack Obama uses to defend his massive tax-and-spend policies, one thing is clear: Everybody in America will pay their share of the enormous price. (Jonah Goldberg, "Waiting Game," NationalReview.com, 3/6/2009)
The president can not raise or lower taxes. All tax laws HAVE to be introduced in the House of Representatives. The founding fathers made it this way so that the people can not be taxed without representation, also know as - no taxation without representation.
Since the president is not elected by the people, he can not change the tax laws.
But, for some reason the Republican National Committee wants the people to believe that president can raise and lower taxes with the stroke of a pen.
The people that are responsible for raising and lowering our taxes are our representatives and senators. Those people are the ones that introduce and vote on the bills before they ever land on the presidents desk.
This all goes back to an uneducated voting populace. If the people want real change, the two major parties HAVE to be removed from power. The only way to do that is to vote third party.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
IMF predicts worldwide recession
What was their first clue? Maybe soaring unemployment, high fuel prices, and now several states such as Texas are in a drought.
IMF predicts a global recession
Human greed has driven this problem. By driving up the price of housing, high cost of fuel, well, lets just go ahead and say the high cost of everything.
Does Exxon really need to make record profits every quarter? No, they do not. This shows that the company is only concerned with one thing, and that is money. There is nothing wrong with making money, except when that desire is driven by greed.
Greed, the lust for money and banks will destroy the worlds economy. As long as banks keep people in debt, everything is fine. Fine for the money changers that is.
IMF predicts a global recession
Human greed has driven this problem. By driving up the price of housing, high cost of fuel, well, lets just go ahead and say the high cost of everything.
Does Exxon really need to make record profits every quarter? No, they do not. This shows that the company is only concerned with one thing, and that is money. There is nothing wrong with making money, except when that desire is driven by greed.
Greed, the lust for money and banks will destroy the worlds economy. As long as banks keep people in debt, everything is fine. Fine for the money changers that is.
banking system,
Monday, March 9, 2009
Obamas' promise on nationwide health care coverage
When Barack Hussein Obama II was running for the office of the president of the United States, he made several promises about health care coverage. Its doubtful these changes will ever come about.
A massive industry has been built on matters of life or death. If a person does not have health insurance, a lot of times they will not receive proper treatment. Without this treatment, that person can die. This is especially true with cancer and HIV.
The insurance giants will not allow laws to be passed that will cut into their profits. Hillary Clinton found this out when the tried to introduce a nation wide health insurance bill a few years ago. Rumors have it that the insurance companies donated so much money to certain elected officials campaign funds that the bill was dropped.
The health care system in the US has been broken for years. As long as people are making money off of a broken system, things will not change.
A massive industry has been built on matters of life or death. If a person does not have health insurance, a lot of times they will not receive proper treatment. Without this treatment, that person can die. This is especially true with cancer and HIV.
The insurance giants will not allow laws to be passed that will cut into their profits. Hillary Clinton found this out when the tried to introduce a nation wide health insurance bill a few years ago. Rumors have it that the insurance companies donated so much money to certain elected officials campaign funds that the bill was dropped.
The health care system in the US has been broken for years. As long as people are making money off of a broken system, things will not change.
Barack Hussein Obama,
health care cost,
medical bills,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Its the small things that matter
When spending time with your children, sometimes its the little things that maters. Such as watching a movie in the living room.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to an expensive movie theater - when a DVD can be rented from the red box for a $1.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to an expensive restaurant, when a home cooked meal is better and provides quality family time.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to the grocery store, when they can plant a garden.
Take time with your family, and spend some quality time together.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to an expensive movie theater - when a DVD can be rented from the red box for a $1.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to an expensive restaurant, when a home cooked meal is better and provides quality family time.
Nobody said that parents have to take their kids to the grocery store, when they can plant a garden.
Take time with your family, and spend some quality time together.
family time,
home cooked meals,
watching a movie
Friday, March 6, 2009
Are you worried about food?
These days people are not only worried about this house note, or their electric bill, they are also worried about something much more basic - food.
An economic report from last month said that between 700,000 - 800,000 people lost their jobs in one month. Less people have jobs, so less bills get paid. But the one thing that must be bought is food. But what if someone told you that you do not have to buy food? That you can grow your own.
Its true. Regardless of what people have been told for the past 30, 40 or 50 years, food does not come from a grocery store - it comes from the ground. At first I did not believe it. I honestly thought that the grocery stores used some kind of magic to make the food appear out of thin air.
Could you imagine the money that a family could save if they planted some onions, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, bell peppers, or anything else. Instead of having to "buy" the food, people could just go into their back yards and pick what they wanted. Why didn't someone think of this before? Familes could have been saving untold amounts of money all this time.
People, its time to step up and take care of your family. If these economic times are hitting you hard, its time to plant a garden - just like what our grand parents used to do.
An economic report from last month said that between 700,000 - 800,000 people lost their jobs in one month. Less people have jobs, so less bills get paid. But the one thing that must be bought is food. But what if someone told you that you do not have to buy food? That you can grow your own.
Its true. Regardless of what people have been told for the past 30, 40 or 50 years, food does not come from a grocery store - it comes from the ground. At first I did not believe it. I honestly thought that the grocery stores used some kind of magic to make the food appear out of thin air.
Could you imagine the money that a family could save if they planted some onions, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, bell peppers, or anything else. Instead of having to "buy" the food, people could just go into their back yards and pick what they wanted. Why didn't someone think of this before? Familes could have been saving untold amounts of money all this time.
People, its time to step up and take care of your family. If these economic times are hitting you hard, its time to plant a garden - just like what our grand parents used to do.
home garden,
saving money
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Left 4 Dead Review
If ID Software ever remakes Doom II - Hell on Earth, they should take a lesson or two from Valve Software. Left 4 Dead is the way that games should be made. The maps are simple, and the game play is real simple - run, shoot zombies, reload, run, shoot zombies, reload, repeat.
Unlike a lot of maps in the games made by ID Software, there is no backtracking. Its a simple play through design that was started with Half-Life 1.
There are 4 human classes, and 4 zombie classes - but one of those zombies is the tank and he does not appear in every level. So most of the time its just 3 classes of human controlled zombies fighting against the humans. Besides the human controlled zombies, there are thousands of computer controlled basic zombie.
The survivors have 6 weapons - uzi pistol, pump shotgun, auto shotgun, hunting rifle, M4 carbine and pistols. It would have been nice if the developers at Valve would have brought over the AK-47 from Counter-Strike, but for some reason that did not happen.
Besides the weapons, humans have two types of bombs they can find and pick up. One is a fire bomb and the other is a pipe bomb. The pipe bomb has something on it that makes the zombies run towards the bomb - and then KaBoom, all the zombies are dead.
Overall, left 4 dead is an outstanding game that is truly fun to play.
Unlike a lot of maps in the games made by ID Software, there is no backtracking. Its a simple play through design that was started with Half-Life 1.
There are 4 human classes, and 4 zombie classes - but one of those zombies is the tank and he does not appear in every level. So most of the time its just 3 classes of human controlled zombies fighting against the humans. Besides the human controlled zombies, there are thousands of computer controlled basic zombie.
The survivors have 6 weapons - uzi pistol, pump shotgun, auto shotgun, hunting rifle, M4 carbine and pistols. It would have been nice if the developers at Valve would have brought over the AK-47 from Counter-Strike, but for some reason that did not happen.
Besides the weapons, humans have two types of bombs they can find and pick up. One is a fire bomb and the other is a pipe bomb. The pipe bomb has something on it that makes the zombies run towards the bomb - and then KaBoom, all the zombies are dead.
Overall, left 4 dead is an outstanding game that is truly fun to play.
doom 2,
doom II,
id software,
left 4 dead,
zombie horde,
Almost time to plant your garden
As the warmer weather gets here, its time to plant the garden. My potatoes are a couple of weeks behind, but its no big deal. Around march 14th or 21st (probably on the 21st) I'am going to try and plant part of the spring garden. I'am looking at squash, cucumbers, snap beans and peppers.
I like planting the pickling cucumbers better then I do the straight 8s. There seems to be less waste and the seeds can be easily saved.
This year I'am thinking of planting at least 4, maybe even 8 jalapeno pepper plants, 4 bell pepper and 4 sweet pepper plants. This year I'am going to put up a lot more peppers then I did last year. My wife and I had to buy peppers from the store. Hopefully we will not have to do that this coming winter.
I like planting the pickling cucumbers better then I do the straight 8s. There seems to be less waste and the seeds can be easily saved.
This year I'am thinking of planting at least 4, maybe even 8 jalapeno pepper plants, 4 bell pepper and 4 sweet pepper plants. This year I'am going to put up a lot more peppers then I did last year. My wife and I had to buy peppers from the store. Hopefully we will not have to do that this coming winter.
survival forum
Rough times for our nation
What did it take for this nation to get out of the great depression? It took a world war.
It was not so much of the war, as it was getting our factories fired back up. But in our case, we have no factories - everything has been shipped to China.
I see the middle class being stomped into the ground.
These flexible mortgage rates are partially to blame, and a bloated housing market. The rich got richer, and the middle class just got a lot poorer. This is probably one of the largest property scams off all time.
Like the news said last night, they were interviewing a family that bought a house for around 400,000. Its now worth around 225,000. Well, that house was never worth 400,000 - the family bought into a bloated market. The house was worth more like 150,000 - then - and now.
The American people have been scammed - in part by their own greed and in part by the greed of the banks and real estate people.
You can not take a house, throw some paint on it and mark it up $20,000. The next person buys it, puts new cabinets in it and marks it up $20,000. Within a year the price of the house has doubled. This makes owning a house impossible for an average family because of all the "get rich quick" scams.
Its like a pyramid - the people at the bottom got rich, the people at the top lost everything. But instead of a chain letter, this was with housing and nation wide.
It was not so much of the war, as it was getting our factories fired back up. But in our case, we have no factories - everything has been shipped to China.
I see the middle class being stomped into the ground.
These flexible mortgage rates are partially to blame, and a bloated housing market. The rich got richer, and the middle class just got a lot poorer. This is probably one of the largest property scams off all time.
Like the news said last night, they were interviewing a family that bought a house for around 400,000. Its now worth around 225,000. Well, that house was never worth 400,000 - the family bought into a bloated market. The house was worth more like 150,000 - then - and now.
The American people have been scammed - in part by their own greed and in part by the greed of the banks and real estate people.
You can not take a house, throw some paint on it and mark it up $20,000. The next person buys it, puts new cabinets in it and marks it up $20,000. Within a year the price of the house has doubled. This makes owning a house impossible for an average family because of all the "get rich quick" scams.
Its like a pyramid - the people at the bottom got rich, the people at the top lost everything. But instead of a chain letter, this was with housing and nation wide.
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