Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Survivalist seed stocks

Its time to stock on your seeds. Spring is here and a lot of the big retail chain stores are getting their seeds in. If the big outlet stores are not your thing, then check with the local mom and pop feed and fertilizer stores.

Personally, I like buying my seeds by the pound, instead of the 1 or 2 ounce packages. The price seems better when buying in bulk, instead of the little single packages. But I still buy some of the little packages, especially when I see them on sale for a reduced price.

survivalist seed stocks

Some of the seeds that survivalist should stock on are snap beans, radishes, cucumbers, turnips, squash and zucchini.

Radishes are an excellent choice for a survival garden. Radishes usually mature 30 days after planting (with good rain fall) - this makes them a quick crop. The seeds can be planted close together, and thinned out. The radish sprouts that are pulled up to thin out the row, can be added to a salad.

All survivalist should have a ready supply of radish seed on hand. In the event of a disaster, plant your radishes and within 30 days your family should have fresh greens. If you plant radishes every 2 weeks, your family could have a steady supply of greens for a long time.

The entire radish plant is edible, so nothing goes to waste.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi I just got the seeds I bought from: bepreparednow.net They were only $44.99 with free shipping. It has 27 varieties of NON hybrid seeds and it is sealed in a Mylar Bag. It was the best deal I found on the Internet and the variety is great. They don’t have hype or scare tactics on their website