Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The blame game

An email that the Republican National Committee sent out has an interesting statement in it.

No matter what flowery rhetoric Barack Obama uses to defend his massive tax-and-spend policies, one thing is clear: Everybody in America will pay their share of the enormous price. (Jonah Goldberg, "Waiting Game,", 3/6/2009)

The president can not raise or lower taxes. All tax laws HAVE to be introduced in the House of Representatives. The founding fathers made it this way so that the people can not be taxed without representation, also know as - no taxation without representation.

Since the president is not elected by the people, he can not change the tax laws.

But, for some reason the Republican National Committee wants the people to believe that president can raise and lower taxes with the stroke of a pen.

The people that are responsible for raising and lowering our taxes are our representatives and senators. Those people are the ones that introduce and vote on the bills before they ever land on the presidents desk.

This all goes back to an uneducated voting populace. If the people want real change, the two major parties HAVE to be removed from power. The only way to do that is to vote third party.

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