Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jalapeno peppers

Jalapeno peppers are one of the easiest peppers and spices to grow. Just work up the soil, add a little 13-13-13 commercial fertilizer, or some organic fertilizer, such as mulch or manure and plant.

The peppers can be grown from either seeds or bought as sprouts from a local store. As long as the peppers are picked from the plant, it will continue to produce. If the plant slows down production, make sure its getting plenty of water and add a little more fertilizer.

Jalapeno peppers require a steady supply of water. If the plant is allowed to wilt, its growth might be stunted. So never let the plant wilt from lack of water. The plants seem to be pretty disease and pest resistant. Except for the tomato worm - it will crawl up onto the plant and eat the leaves. If you find a horned tomato worm, there are probably more then one. So inspect your plants very good.

After several handfuls of peppers have been picked, they can be saved by putting them into a water and vinegar solution.

To save the seeds for planting next year, allow some of the peppers to turn red and dry up while still on the vine. I usually let the last few peppers of the season stay on the plant, and then harvest the seeds from those peppers after they have dried. Those seeds can then be replanted the following spring.

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